Right Wing Dog

The FIGHT for The RIGHT!

Obama is in CRISIS Mode !!

The following was taken from an article at http://www.familysecuritymatters.org that was written by Walter Anderson. I think it sums up Sarah short and sweet!

“The Next Ronald Reagan

That is what some have said about Sarah Palin, including Michael Reagan, Son of Ronald Reagan, who said “Wednesday night I watched the Republican National Convention on television and there, before my very eyes, I saw my dad reborn; only this time he’s a she”. Palin is the SURPRISE  pick of John McCain as his running mate for the Election of 2008. She calls herself a “pit-bull with lipstick aka a Hockey Mom! Currently Sarah Palin is the Governor of Alaska and has been Mayor of a small Alaska town along with several other public positions. Her performance energized everyone at the convention last Wednesday night and knocked the opposition into crisis mode. By the news articles that evening and the next day, she scored a bulls-eye with the American people. She and her Middle America ways even won the praise of some Democrats! I have a feeling that Sarah Palin and John McCain will close the gap between Obama and McCain (Gallup said today after the Democratic convention “bounce” that Obama lead McCain 49% to 42%) and this race will now be even closer than previously thought.

The Democrats seem frightened of the McCain ticket ever since Sarah Palin was added to the mix. There have been rumors flying and negative commentary flowing. It has been pointed out “she ONLY has a bachelor’s degree”! Does that mean a person has to have a law degree from a fancy eastern University in order to lead in our Government? If that is so, how did Harry Truman do so well? “


September 5, 2008 - Posted by | 2008 Election, Blogroll, Democrat, Liberal Democrat, Obama, Political, POLITICS, President, Presidential Candidate, Senator | , , ,


  1. If Obama was the Democrats rising Star, Sarah Palin is a Super-Nova!

    Is it not amazing that the same media that has refused to vet BO over the past 19 months, but absolutely every resource that had in to an attempt to destroy her?

    They ran with unconfirmed accusations from bloggers to tale that were right out of the left wings bag of dirty lies. None were true and none of the crap has stuck.

    She is truly a Gem and the Dem’s have no idea what to do about her.

    It looks like God doseen’t want a Marxist in the White House either.

    Comment by Watch Dog | September 7, 2008 | Reply

  2. So how many more trillions in debt are on the horizon for us?

    Comment by dale | September 8, 2008 | Reply

  3. Watch Dog:

    I could not have said it better.
    She has teflon truth and that is why none of the leftwing crapola stuck and in fact slid right off with out leaving a mark (except with some diehard moronic bloggers and talking heads, but they would know truth if it bit them). There is still 56 days to the election and I am sure more will be tried and more will fall.

    Thanx for the post!


    Comment by rightwingdog | September 11, 2008 | Reply

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