Right Wing Dog

The FIGHT for The RIGHT!

Barack Hussein Obama CHALLENGES 2007 Legal Arizona Workers Act!

Obama challenges (another) Arizona immigration law in Supreme Court!

Not content with criticism and threats against Arizona’s new immigration law, the Obama Administration has asked the Supreme Court to overturn rulings by lower courts that upheld a previous Arizona law allowing the state to revoke the business licenses of employers who intentionally or knowingly hire illegal aliens. The Legal Arizona Workers Act, which passed in 2007 and took effect Jan. 1st, 2008, allows the state to suspend or revoke the business licenses of employers that violate the law.

A person has to wonder what is next! This administration is out of control. It is MY opinion that all fifty states (not 57 states Mr. Obama) should have a law of this type AND enforce it. It’s enforcement would mean many more jobs available for Americans and that the money earned was subject to taxes and the money would more than likely stay IN the United States.


June 3, 2010 - Posted by | 2008 Election, 2010 elections, America, Blogroll, Congress, Democrat, Liberal Democrat, NOBAMA, Obama, Pardon's, pelosi, Political, POLITICS, President, Presidential Candidate, Social Security, Socialist, stimulus package, Terrorism, Voting, White House | ,

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