Right Wing Dog

The FIGHT for The RIGHT!

Alan Keyes has no Key to The Presidency!

Alan Keyes is, IMHO, a wacko. He is very intelligent but not too awful smart.


He and the morons in the Illinois Republican Party are responsible, again in my humble opinion, for catapulting Obama to where he is today. The Illinois Republicans you may recall put Keyes up as a candidate for U.S. Senator when Jim Ryan dropped out because of a sex scandal involving he and his former wife, actress Jeri Ryan of SHARK (T.V. Show) fame. Keyes moved into the black section of Calumet City and made a multitude of mistakes. Obama won by a landslide and the rest is history. Keyes has been a Presidential aspirant for a number of years and now when shunned by the Republicans he switched allegiance to the Constitution Party.


A vote for Alan Keyes in 2008 would be as useful as a vote for any one of the three stooges!


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May 1, 2008 Posted by | 2008 Election, Blogroll, election, Illinois, Political, POLITICS, President, Presidential Candidate | | 1 Comment