Right Wing Dog

The FIGHT for The RIGHT!

Obama’s Church being Investigated for Political Activities???

The Internal Revenue Service has notified the United Church of Christ’s national offices in Cleveland, Ohio, that the IRS has opened an investigation into U.S. Sen. Barack Obama’s address at the UCC’s 2007 General Synod as the church engaging in “political activities.”In the IRS letter dated Feb. 20, the IRS said it was initiating a church tax inquiry “because reasonable belief exists that the United Church of Christ has engaged in political activities that could jeopardize its tax-exempt status.”

Why have we not seen more of this in the media??

I checked Chicago Area papers, and found zero, zip, nada nothing! Thiat is Obama home church area!

Who is hiding the happening?

If Obama was a Republican the NYT, Sun Times and every TV station would be on it like white on rice!


March 7, 2008 Posted by | 2008 Election, Blogroll, Chicago, Christian, Democrat, election, Liberal Democrat, Obama, Political, POLITICS, President, Presidential Candidate, RIGHTWINGDOG, Senator, Voting | , , | 4 Comments